YOGA BALLYMENA NORTH 10am  Saturday. Yes. Saturday Commencing SEPTEMBER 5 Class will depend on numbers Beginners Welcome Mixed class  Gentle Mindful Hatha Yoga 07518391883 02821759633  

SUMMER YOGA @ Ballyeamon Barn

SUMMER YOGA @ Ballyeamon Barn in the beautiful Glens of Antrim Sunday 4pm Small class / Beginners welcome Commencing June 28 4 weeks £28 £8 drop in (class will depend on numbers / please call first ) 02821759633 / 07518391883 Gentle Mindful Hatha Yoga Directions :www.ballyeamon

REMEMBER REMEMBER…not long till September :)

REMEMBER REMEMBER…not long till September  🙂 Calling All Sainters ! Next week last class before break….wishing you all a fantastic summer : Sunday classes 4pm throughout July / Aug @ Ballyeamon Barn (check for availability) September classes booking now: SATURDAY 5 September @ 10am WEDNESDAY 9 September @ 7pm THURSDAY 10 September @ 10am 7… Continue reading REMEMBER REMEMBER…not long till September 🙂

SUMMER YOGA @ Ballyeamon Barn Tourist Hostel

SUMMER YOGA @ Ballyeamon Barn Tourist Hostel 4pm Sundays 4 weeks £28 £8 drop in Small Class / Beginners Welcome gentle hatha mindful yoga Call  : 07518391883 / 02821759633 Email:

Breaking Spring News !

Cloud Nine N.I.  Spring Yoga Morning  in the beautiful Glens of Antrim Sunday May 24 @ 9am The morning commences with a YOGA CLASS at Laragh Lodge  (   ‘Gentle ‘Hatha’ Yoga, with an emphasis on the breath and relaxation.’   This class is for men and women, beginners and veterans alike. This is followed by tea/coffee and a guided walk through Glenariff Forest Park. The walk… Continue reading Breaking Spring News !

new SERIES classes starting soon…

YOGA BALLYMENA NORTH Sat 10am ( March 7) Wed 7pm (March 11) Beginners Welcome please call / text for more info: 07518391883


Attention Cloud Nineni-ers! NEW SERIES CLASSES STARTING SOON : TUESDAY: March 3:PORTGLENONE @ 7pm WEDNESDAY: March 4 ALL SAINTS @ 7pm THURSDAY March 5 ALL SAINTS @10am £48 for 8 Weeks £8 Drop In Beginners Welcome MIxed Class (Class will depend on numbers ) Gentle Hatha Yoga with emphasis on the Breath & Relaxation Call… Continue reading Attention Cloud Nineni-ers! NEW SERIES CLASSES STARTING SOON:

WEDNESDAY EVE CLASSES 7pm @ Ballymena North

New series BALLYMENA YOGA CLASSES starts Wednesday 10 SEPT at 7pm. 6 weeks  £36 Venue:.Ballymena North Business & Recreation Centre. 120 Cushendall Rd. BT43 6HB Beginners Welcome. Gentle Hatha Yoga with emphasis on the Breath & Relaxation. Mixed class (men & women) Class will depend on numbers Please check with doc/physio if you have any medical conditions Call 07518391883 /… Continue reading WEDNESDAY EVE CLASSES 7pm @ Ballymena North

TUESDAY MORNING YOGA 10am @ Ballymena North

New series BALLYMENA YOGA CLASSES starts TUESDAY Sept 9 at 10am. 6 weeks  £36 Venue:.Ballymena North Business & Recreation Centre. 120 Cushendall Rd. BT43 6HB   Beginners Welcome. Gentle Hatha Yoga with emphasis on the Breath & Relaxation. Mixed class (men & women) Class will depend on numbers Please check with your doc/physio before joining class. Call 07518391883 /… Continue reading TUESDAY MORNING YOGA 10am @ Ballymena North